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Richard C. Slade / Facilitator, Coach, Educator

Spiritual Growth and Self Development

When life seems to be moving in all the wrong directions, it can simply be the wake up call of our soul. A gentle stirring from within, calling us home, guiding us inwards, awakening us to the greater truths and possibilities that lay deep within each one of our hearts.

Spiritual growth and self development consultations are truly self empowering, nourishing and enriching. They help the spiritual practitioner open their heart to the true magnificence of their being, where the essence of their soul becomes revealed once more. This can be considered the awakening process. A process of delving deeply within and discovering that life can be so much more. For we are truly more than the body, we are spiritual beings briefly playing within a material world. As we go deeper, we awaken to greater and greater possibility, empowering positive change and opening to new and wonderful potentialities. We realize we are beacons of light in a world shrouded in shadow. For each one of us has something important to bring forth from the very recesses of our soul. It is simply our mission to find out what that is and make it so.

Spiritual growth and self development sessions integrate empowering tools, techniques and practices of spirit, gently guiding us inwards and upwards upon the spiral path of liberation, opening us to profound spiritual experiences and setting the stage to discover who we really are and what we came to do.

Spiritual sessions are not religious in nature, they are founded upon the accumulated knowledge of the world wisdom traditions. Through practice, the spiritual experience becomes truly palpable, empowering us to relax, let go and allow balance to return once more - creating a life of greater meaning, purpose and fulfillment. And more...