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Richard C. Slade / Facilitator, Coach, Educator

Intuitive growth and development help us find greater clarity and insight during those times of challenge in our lives. They remind us to look inwards towards our own guiding light; to follow our heart with faith and commitment; to remember we have all the answers inside and the power to ensure it all turns out well, if we just let it be so.

Sessions help us tap our inner guidance system; our wellspring of creativity and inspiration. It is not gut instinct, it is the guiding force of our spirit or higher self. We learn to build a bridge to those higher aspects of self and learn its language founded upon love.

We learn to connect to our guides and guardians, who are always there to help and awaken us. We open to a greater inner reality, where we’re able to communicate with those across the veil. We learn to trust the small quiet voice of our spirits call, so that we can always be guided true once more. And more...  

To learn more about intuitive growth and development sessions, please call or email today or click for more information about Richard Slade spiritual intuitive consultations based in Madison, Wisconsin,WI.