© 2000 - 2021 Copyright. Richard C. Slade / Soul Solutions for Life - spiritual, intuitive and meditation facilitator. Please do not reproduce written or audio materials without expressed written permission. All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only and should not be considered any form of medical or health care advise. Personal empowerment, spiritual life skills and self management strategies, spiritual growth and self development, intuitive development and guidance, life purpose and soul mission, soul journeys and past life remembrance services are considered experiential spiritual education. As a spiritual, intuitive and meditation coach, adviser and facilitator, I offer consultations and sessions in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI. 608.237.6577. See important disclaimer >. Thank you.



transformational sessions - spiritual life coaching

. Direct Spiritual Experiences

. Authenticity, Compassion and Power

. Right Use Of Will

. Awakening To Higher Love

. Surrender, Liberation and Mastery

. Invocation, Affirmation and Intent

. Allowing and Letting go

. Inspiration, Creativity, Attraction and Manifesting

. Integrating The Higher / Spiritual Self

. The Soul and the Inner Landscape

. Past Lives and Reincarnation

. In-Between Lives and The Greater Reality

. Acceptance, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love

. Energy and The Holographic Self

. Energy Awareness and Balance

. Intuition and Intuitive Development

. Intuitive Guidance and Readings

. Life Purpose and Soul Mission

. Right Livelihood, Vocation and Service

. Lack and Money Relationships

. Blocks and Obstacles

. Karma and Sanskars

. Soul Love, Soul Mates and Soul Relationships

. Life Lessons and Life Mastery

. Mind States and Thought Forms

. Altered States and Meditation

. Self Management and Self Realization

. Inner Vision and The Third Eye

. Inner Voice, Guidance and Messages

. Present Moment Attention and Awareness

. Finding The Answers Within

. Spiritual Guides and Angels

. Spirit Attachments, Cords and Entities

. The Many Facets Of Divine Love

. Source, God and The Creator

. Unique Gifts, Skills and Talents

. And more...

SOUL-SOLUTIONS EXPLORE:  Private Consultations and Personal Sessions. Learn about Past lives, Past Life Therapy, Past Life Regressions, Regressions, Self Healing, Spiritual Healing, Spiritual Growth, Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Meditation, Guided Imagery, Guided Meditation, Shamanism, Creative Visualization, Intuition, Intuitive Guidance, Psychic Readings and Energy  Awareness. Further explore life management and self management, emotional management, stress management and mind body relaxation, golas and motivation, career and right livlihood, life purpose and soul mission, insight and intuition, self healing and wellness, soul healing, acceptane, forgiveness and love, soul and sanskars. Intuitive Development and Guidance, psychic readings, coach, adviser.

Search terms: life purpose, soul mission, right livelihood, service, creativity, inspiration, higher purpose,  meaning, fulfillment, abundance and prosperity.

Transformational Sessions

To learn more about transformational spiritual intuitive consultations, please call or email today or click for more information about Richard Slade in Madison, Dane County, WI.  Learn more about Life Purpose Soul Mission, Holistic Life Skills, Spiritual Growth, Intuitive Guidance and Soul Journeys Past Lives.

Please note: All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only. Statements, services and products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. When dealing with physical and/or mental illness or disease, always consult a qualified physician, counselor or therapist. Audio recordings are not recommended for people suffering from mental disorders or illness. Please take a moment to read our disclaimer and our terms and definition pages.

. Leadership and Self Reliance

. Insight and Clarity

. New Vision, New Direction

. Critical Life Decisions

. The Blue Print and Life Purpose

. Core Motivation and Potential

. Abundance and Prosperity

. Transforming Relationships

. Transition and Change

. Opening to Love

. Peace, Calm and Tranquility

. Fear, Doubt and Worry

. Relinquishing Resistance

. Emotional Liberation

. Stress and Deep Relaxation

. Past Life Remembrance

. Mastering The Mind

. Spiritual Guidance

. And more...


Self empowering spiritual intuitive consultations help awaken your authentic power and highest potential, while you explore the vast inner landscape of your soul and spirit. Learn a variety of self empowering experiential tools, techniques and practices that can transform your life and help you with:

consultations . life purpose . past lives . spiritual life skills . spiritual growth . intuitive guidance . transformation