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What is: Spiritual Guided Imagery?
Spiritual guided imagery helps you travel inwards to discover the original cause behind life‘s challenges. It opens you to the inner landscape of the soul. It helps reveal your latent intuitive abilities, to see, sense and know greater truths about yourself and your life. Spiritual guided imagery helps you reconnect to your inner guidance system. This inner guidance system offers loving messages of wisdom, knowledge and understanding, helping you navigate life’s journey more effectively. With practice spiritual guided imagery opens you to new levels of awareness and expanded states of consciousness.
Spiritual guided imagery helps you discover the ‘records of the soul.’ They reveal to you the many lives you have lived and the future probabilities you may experience. You begin to understand the perfect journey of the soul and the many challenges that continue to arise from within you. Direct experience of the souls journey helps you along the path of self healing. It helps you understand, accept and forgive, so you may relinquish those challenges that continue to impact you.
The experience of spiritual guided imagery is ever expanding. It opens you to a wonderful inner landscape that becomes richer and vaster through practice. It helps you experience a reconnection with the higher self and the Source of all there is. Spiritual guided imagery is truly a journey of self realization, inner alchemy and personal transformation. Call or email today to learn more about spiritual guided imagery and our services. Learn more about spiritual intuitive consultations -
Guided Imagery . Mind Body Guided Imagery . Spiritual Guided Imagery . Interactive Guided Imagery . Guided Meditation