© 2000 - 2021 Copyright. Richard C. Slade / Soul Solutions for Life - spiritual, intuitive and meditation facilitator. Please do not reproduce written or audio materials without expressed written permission. All information on this web site is considered spiritual self help only and should not be considered any form of medical or health care advise. Personal empowerment, spiritual life skills and self management strategies, spiritual growth and self development, intuitive development and guidance, life purpose and soul mission, soul journeys and past life remembrance services are considered experiential spiritual education. As a spiritual, intuitive and meditation coach, adviser and facilitator, I offer consultations and sessions in Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin, WI. 608.237.6577. See important disclaimer >. Thank you.


Creative Visioning Continued:


When your vision is aligned with what you came to do in this life, you tend to feel greater inspiration and motivation, with ever expanding energy to peruse your dream. This is a state of effortlessness or non trying. It is a state of just being you. Your vision tends to come to you with ease and is supported at the higher levels of self.

Our emotionally empowered visions, aligned with our higher self, creates a new thought form. A thought form is composed of thoughts, feelings, pictures etc. It impresses itself upon the creative substance of the universe, causing a response. A thought form that is crystal clear, without internal conflict or opposition, accompanied by elevated feelings, has a tendency to be made manifest into our lives, in a timely and effective fashion. A conflicted thought form may never be made manifest or it may be less than the optimal vision we desire.

Mind States

So the next step is to manage our mind. To become aware of every thought that arises. We become the witness to our thought process. If we notice negative thoughts arising, it is a sure sign that we have embodied conflicting or limiting beliefs. So immediately state to yourself ‘Cancel or Delete Thought’ and return to a more positive state of mind. When you have the time, go back to your vision and reconnect to your heart center and higher self. Ask for those limiting thoughts to arise once again, stepping into them so they be examined, felt, understood and permanently let go of.


Next we come to the action phase of visioning. We do not need to know how we get from here to there. The steps will be revealed along the way. This requires trust and faith. A helpful way to look at this, is to assume you are now in the process of manifesting. For your life is a result of your previous thoughts and feelings, and it is rapidly changing because of your elevated vision, made of aligned thoughts and feelings. Your vision is already created at the spiritual, mental and emotional levels. It just takes time for it to arrive in the physical. This knowing allows the universe to freely manifest your vision at the perfect moment in time.  The reason most people do not get the results they want, is that they become bored and impatient. They think the process is not working and they give up prematurely. It just takes perseverance and trust.  

Now when we are in a state of trust, flow and synchronicity naturally occur. People, places and events will be brought to your attention. This really is the action phase. Take the necessary steps at those moments. Listen to your inner prompting's and you will know with out a doubt, that you are at the perfect place and in the perfect moment to fulfill your visions destiny.


Now the result of your vision may not look exactly as you initially intended. This is ok. It is helpful to set a clear intention that your vision is for the highest good of all. This naturally sets the stage for your vision to become even more than first intended. Opportunities will come to you. Choices will naturally have to be made. Use your discernment and follow your feelings, for both will help you make the optimal choices. Opportunities are simply a direct result of your visioning process. Stick to your inner vision and the choices you make will always be right for you.


creative visioning acknowledges we are the creators of our individual realities. That every event, circumstance and condition of our life is the direct result of our state of mind. Of course this can be a difficult concept to deeply accept. For at some level most of us have been taught that we live at the whim of our society. Yet within this context each persons experience is completely different. Some experience joy and happiness and some do not. When we look into ourselves, we tend to discover that we continually embody visions that are completely untrue and out of alignment with our authentic nature and higher purpose for this life. These are visions made of stories that are simply of our past and need no longer effect our life today. When we deeply acknowledge this, we become willing to untangle our internal conflicts. As we let go of the limitations of the past, we can clearly establish new visions and thought processes aligned with our higher nature. We then discover we really are the creative force behind our life experience. We are no longer the victim of happenstance, we are inspired and empowered creators of what can be. ...continued.

What is Creative Visualization: - Free Information on Holistic, Spiritual, Metaphysical Personal Healing, Wellness and Growth, Maryland

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SOUL-SOLUTIONS EXPLORE:  Private Consultations and Personal Sessions explore: Creative visualization, visioning, guided imagery, guided meditation and  interactive guided imagery.

Creative Visualization . Creative Visioning