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Cultivating the Necessary Skills to Master the Chaotic Mind

Managing the mind can be tricky at best, yet the effort is well worth making, helping restore greater peace, joy and purpose to our life. Through meditation or reflection, self observation, commitment, discipline and a willingness to surrender the past, opens us little by little to the enormous potential of the soul’s mind.

The Unstable Mind - The mind is continuously bombarded by thoughts and emotions that arise in waves of unsettling motion, causing disturbance to the peaceful mind. These waves come from deep within, rising upwards from seemingly nowhere. They are often made of judgment, fear and sabotage. They can even be a familiar voice of the past. Perhaps the voice of your mother or father from childhood. They make you cringe and wonder why. They affect the pure quality of thought that you really want to cultivate in your mind. They simply interfere with your conscious intent; too often negating the very experiences you wish to create.


Waste Thoughts - ‘Waste thoughts’ generally arise unconsciously, slipping into conscious awareness. They disturb the natural landscape of peace in the mind. They limit life, causing needless pain and suffering. They are empowered by age old emotions buried deep within. Charges of energy causing conflict and strife. For all your thoughts simply create your reality. They can be likened to a mirror, reflecting the world directly back to you, mirroring exactly what sits deeply inside of you.


‘ So how do you master this crazy mind, ever chattering and limiting your life? A monkey mind ever rising and falling, blowing in the wind, petulantly reacting to the world outside.’ By giving those waste thoughts no time. In fact give them no energy at all. Pay them no mind. For what you focus your mind upon, is truly brought into your life. For your thoughts are like magnets that draw experiences to you that are made manifest right in front of you.

The Observer - To manage the mind, we must take a step back, and view our world from a completely different perspective. So sit, meditate, breath and reflect. Slip into the wheel of your heart at the center of your chest. Intend to become one with the great soul you are. And allow your thoughts to gently arise, letting all judgment simply go. Watch and observe, detaching from the world around you.


Discipline - During the day become the witness of the mind. Monitor all your thoughts that may arise. And when you notice they are limiting, negative or destructive in anyway, say to yourself ‘ stop, I cancel or delete them now.’ Become the master of letting go. Refrain from engaging in there limiting dance. Do not lose yourself in there tangled web; tightly woven knots of confusion and lies. Do not judge, just allow them to go. Sop and cancel them right now. For overtime they will begin to dissipate, little by little they fall away, until you are left with only the true and pure soul mind. For when allowed, the soul mind naturally produces thoughts that are true and clear. Accompanied by elevated feelings of love and joy. And from your elevated mind, comes positive thoughts, empowered by uplifting feelings, aligned with your higher soul mind. They are comprised of peace and purity; truth and knowledge; empathy and compassion; acceptance and forgiveness; and so much more, they in fact can change your life.


An Elevated Mind - The elevated mind is inspired, creative, uplifted and expanded; transforming your life into purpose and meaning. For these are the elevated thoughts that cause positive change. They set the stage for you to create all that you truly desire. They allow for a deeper connection within, where a remembrance of your authenticity begins. They open you up to new experiences beyond the mundane. Visions of great possibility. Realizing potentialities you were born to achieve.


Commitment - For most of humanity, the mind remains an enigma - confused, noisy; constantly chatting. It causes stress and anxiety, expanding into difficulties and challenge in your life, until you choose to take back the reins of control, of your state of mind. Managing the mind takes time and practice, and that is ok. For each day you monitor the mind, little by little you take back control of your insane monkey mind. And over time peace naturally begins to arise. A deepening joy that is truly alive. A joy that starts to permeate every part of self, resounding throughout your life. So commit now to monitor your mind.


Past and Present - To effectively manage the mind, it is important to remember there is only the ‘ now.’ The past has obviously gone by. Thoughts and emotions that are resurrected from the past, can simply be acknowledged; understood, felt and expressed and then with acceptance and forgiveness in your heart, you can simply let them go and set yourself free. So with conscious intent and deepening clarity, end your slavery to the past right now and simply relinquish those thoughts and emotions that have limited your mind and your life.

Thought Forms -  Thought forms are made of beliefs and emotions that tend to follow our lives. They can be deeply rooted, embodied memories made of wounds, hurt and pain. They are the negative impressions made upon the soul mind, causing only trouble in your life. So become willing to let them all go, remembering we live with two principal certainties of life; there is only the present moment of now and we truly do have the power to create exactly what we desire, through the unlimited presence of our mind.

Present moment attention, deep reflection, mental monitoring and healthy emotional expression have the power to help successfully manage the many subtleties and nuances of the mind. They give us the opportunity to simply take back our true personal power, driven by the minds unlimited true nature and its original condition of peace, purity, love and joy.    

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